React and Electron-Powered Tool: Bulk Image Conversion and Optimization

BICO - Bulk Image Converter & Optimizer Tool For Desktop Platform Based on React Electron

Current Version (v0.1.5) Last Updated (02/10/2023)

Tool for converting bulk images supporting all image format and allow user to adjust dimensions, quality, animation, compression and many more options to discover.

Tech Stack

CLIENT: React, Hooks, Ant Design 5+, Electron, Node


  • Supports all various image formats (webp, jpg, png, tiff, jp2, heif, avif, jxl, raw, gif).
  • Single form settings to select options for desired output.
  • Uses Multi Threaded Task for quick compression and output for larger files.
  • Generates a single Zip file of all converted images.
  • Added Grayscale image conversion support (02/10/2023)
  • Added avif with losseless compression support (02/10/2023)
  • Supports Hardware acceleration.
  • Shows a Table of selected files in an organized way.

Pre Requirements For Local Development

  • React 18+
  • Node, NPM
  • VSCODE With ES6+ Module


Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd BICO-bulk-image-converter-optimizer-tool

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the Electron Project in Windows

npm run electron:start

Project will open in window mode not in browser as normal react app would, Happy Hacking!


Deployment is never been easy before, package.json is already configured for every platform (Window, Linux, MacOs). Just need to run build commands for each platform as follows:

For Windows

npm run electron:package:win

For Linux

npm run electron:package:linux

For MacOS

npm run electron:package:mac

Running these commands will give you a package file (Windows->NSIS .exe) || (Linux->.deb) || (macOS->.dmg).




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